The exhibition is prolonged!
The album with Sergey Chelnokov photographs in the libraries of the world!

“Touching the Past with Eyes” – the Round of Lectures begins on Friday, the 26th.

It was hard to entitle the first lecture and we decided on the title “Touching the Past with Eyes “. This round of lectures has a grain of mysthitism and even of magic which allows to make a step from reality to taking in the essence of the pictures made in the 3D technique within the past 170 years. Olga Anaurova found the most striking pictures, they are masterpieces of stereo photography. There are also to be lectures on eyesight, photography and the riddle of the 3D image.
The lectures will take place on Fridays in the building called “ Gostynyi Dvor”. The round of lectures is entitled: “Stereoscopic Photography and Stereo Films. 170 years of history.”

January 26- February 21, 2018
Gostynyi Dvor , 4 Ilynka, auditorium 271,272

In the framework of the Exhibition “From Belle Epoque to the Revolution- a History of Russia through Stereo Photography ,
1880-1917 in the 3d Technique”

Art specialists , photo artists film directors and philosophers will give a talk on different aspects of stereoscopic photography


Friday, the 26th of January , room 271
“ The Ghost of the Past is Here to be Touched: Stereoscopic Photography and Paradoxes of Historical Perception”
Olga Anaurova , an art critic, a professor of the Department of Culture of the Russian Academy od Sciences, a curator of the Lummier Brothers Gallery in Moscow.

Sunday,January 28, room 271
“ Pictorial Photography among the Silver Age Arts”
Igor Volkov, an art critic , curator in the Moscow Pushkin Museum.

Wednesday,February 7,room 272
“Soviet Stereoscopic Cinema. The Forgotten and Revived Experience”
Nicolai Mayorov, a film director , a member of the Jounalist and Cinema Unions, a restoration specialist in archive cinema.

Saturday, February 10, room 272
“ Communicative Image: the Cinema and the Photography”
Oleg Aronson , an art critic, a specialist in the cinema and television , a philosopher, a professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Wednesday, February 14, room 272
“ Visual Memory and History “ , a History of Russia through the Stereoscopic Archives- Known and Newly Discovered”
Dmitry Novikov, Director of the Chelnokov Foundation

Friday, February 16, room 271
“ De-visualization of Photography Today
Nina Sosna, a professor of the Higher School of Economics

Wednesday, February 21 , room 271
“ From the Stereoscope to VR. The Phenomenon of Stereoscopic Photography “
Roman Schmidt, a member of the Russian Union of Photographic Artists and of the International Stereoscopic Union, an inventor of the modern copies of the archaic stereoscopic technologies which serve for watching stereo images.

More information on the site of the Manege

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